2015年12月28日 星期一

The overseas life in Australia

South Bank Christmas Fireworks

Staying at home 24 years. Wanna try to go out and live by myself all the time, but worried about money. This time still the same, but I finally go out and live in a life which I would like to have.

Australia, a place for adventuring. Living in Brisbane makes me happy. Experiencing different cultures and meeting overseas friends. I love hug and kiss. I love showing my love directly. Also, there are a lot of FREE ACTIVITIES here. Visiting it will make your life more interesting and colorful.

I learnt 25th of December not only just Christmas. It is a special day to celebrate with your family. The translink in QLD is closed. If you don't have vehicles, you must stay at home to celebrate summer Christmas. Then, after Christmas, boxing day, why it is boxing day? Because there are a lot of discount in the shop. Go shopping and having your delayed gifts.

Until New Year......Everyone is celebrating and having holidays.

By the way, South Banks Christmas Events were so good! I love it!



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