2018年1月19日 星期五


現在無論是一人電商、團購,到各家大型企業,似乎沒有Facebook 粉絲專頁就跟不上時代,但是你對Facebook又了解多少呢?


有概念的老闆,肯為了自家商品形象投資的老闆,是可以花錢請攝影師拍攝,請專業剪輯人員剪輯影片,請專業美編設計人員進行美編,請專業文案人員提出文案。但是,但是,台灣就是個鬼島,許許多多不知為何要經營粉絲專頁的老闆,以為貼文非常的簡單,拿一支 iPhone X 就要小編拍出好照片,拿一支 iPhone 7 就要小編開直播,拿一支 iPhone 5s 就要小編剪好影片,拜託,各位老闆。




然而,Facebook當然也不是唯一的社群管道,每個社群平台的模式又不一樣,絕對不是 ctrl + C, ctrl + V 這麼簡單,請以合理的時數以及工作內容來聘雇。


2018年1月10日 星期三

If you are planning a trip that you would like to stay in OSAKA for deep travel, do not miss to add this ticket/the pass on your list. Osaka is the biggest city in western Japan, has more than 2 million population. In this kind of busy city, it has a very convenient underground system but complicating. Well, if you are not good at the direction... Stay here for 1 to 7 days and make your unique experience in this modern city. Visit the heritages and modern sky buildings even the USJ theme park having a magical Harry Potter experience!


I have been to here last year. There were a lot of tourists but I found most of the western tourists bought the underground ticket every time when they are going to another station. ONE DAY PASS and TWO DAY PASS will be your new choice. The underground pass is for you to travel anywhere else via Osaka underground or bus(not all of them). It has some limit but enough for traveling the city. Not only for underground, some of the sightseeings can get discounts by the pass even free entry, such as Osaka castle, Umeda sky building, zoo... more than 20 different activities.


I used two days pass, 3000 Japanese Yen, went to 10 more stations and visited more than 10 attractions in discount with the Pass. Saved at least 6000 Japanese Yen. Amazing huh? Check out for more information about my fantastic trip on Travelicious.


  • Kansai Tourist Information Center Kansai International Airport
  • Visitors’ Information Center Umeda
  • Visitors’ Information Center Namba

Useful Links for traveling to Osaka

Osaka Castle, one of the must-see building, must-go place in Osaka. It was built in 1585, during Azuchi-Momoyama period. The one we see today, it is the third generation. If you visit the Osaka Castle, you will see and experience the castle should be built because of wars. Same as most of the castles in Europe, each king needs to protect their people and show their power to other kings. The castle was constructed on a small hill and surrounded by a moat.

half day for visiting Osaka Castle

Before traveling, I made a plan for the trip. As the schedule, we have 3 hours to stay in the Castle... However, it's a castle with a huge park. We arrived at Morinomiya station at 9:00 am in the morning. We chose one of the exits which direct to Osaka Castle. Once, we went out the exit. Wow!!! What a totally different world with the busy city. I couldn't believe we only took 10 to 20 minutes of the metro system and it's the world with full of plants, green, fresh air. Also, you will see the tower.

If you get lost in the park, follow people, the tourist groups, they will lead you to the entrance of the castle.

At the first entrance to the castle which is the one and the only road to cross the moat. You shall see some huge stones / big rocks. Tired? These rocks not for sitting but for stepping. The horses were too big and too high and Japanese couldn't reach it. Therefore, they need the rocks to step it on and to ride the back of the horses.
Keep going and you will see the Osaka Castle after the second turn. There are some vendors if you are tired, take a rest and have some snacks.

I highly recommend the one on the left-hand side when you face to the Osaka castle. It sells Matcha product, I couldn't forget the taste of matcha ice cream, especially the double thick one. It was under a 35-degree weather and we were so tired and hungry. There are five products on the menu and we have five people but two of my family just want to share with someone else. We chose three items. It is super delicious! The ice cream was thick enough and soft. The taste of matcha full of my mouth. We couldn't stop until finished all of them and would like to have more.

A history museum

What is it in the castle? Follow the route, you are going to experience Japanese culture, the history of the Osaka castle and the story of the leaders in the castle. In the museum, you cannot take pictures in the third and the fourth floor. Oh! Do you need to go toilets? The one and the only, it is on the second floor. Go to the toilet before you start visiting the museum and go again while leaving.

View of the Osaka city

On the 8th floor which is the observation deck. Look at the Osaka city from 50 meters above the ground. Also, you will see some details of the Osaka castle.

It's about three hours since we arrived at the station. I totally underestimated the duration we need in here so if you are going to have fun here. It is worth for a one-day trip.
"Leave a whole day trip for Osaka Castle Park."
Information of the Osaka Castle
Open: 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (Last admission is at 4:30 p.m.)
Closed: December 28th through January 1st
Admission fee: Adults 600 Japanese yen. (15 years old and younger: free)
If you have Osaka amazing pass, it's free! Click here to see what is Osaka amazing pass.
Nearby stations: Morinomiya, Temmabashi, Tanimachi 4-chome
For more info: click here
Yukata, a Japanese traditional clothing in summer. It's gorgeous and beautiful but difficult to walk. There are a lot of shops for you to rent Yukata and Kimono for a short-term. Especially in Kyoto, a city full of Japanese culture.
The difference is the layers you have to wear. Three for Kimono and two for Yukata. Also, the footwear is different. You need to wear socks with Kimono but Yukata. See the difference? Choose Kimono and get this amazing experience!

Experience in Kiyomizu-dera Temple

Kiyomizu-dera Temple is one of the most famous temples in Kyoto. There is a footpath with a lot of historical buildings and shopping stores. Easily to buy too much... because everything is so cute and so beautiful. KAWAII!!! While walking on the footpath, you will see a lot of girls wearing Yukata and taking pictures. What a memory, isn't it?

Experience Yukata in Kingakuji

As there are so many people experience Yukata around this footpath. We choose another temple, Kingakuji, famous for building with gold. The temple looks very luxury. No doubt, very beautiful.

It is not a bad choice but the footpath is made by stones so it's quite hard to walk. This is the Yukata that I chose. The experience of choosing Yukata is very confused. There are too many different patterns. I couldn't decide any then I saw this one. Black and white with flowers. Even my Japanese friend said this is very good and stands out. When I chose the belt, the lady recommended the yellow one and so does my friend. She said yellow and black is very match and stands for high authority in Japanese history. After putting it on, I am very happy with the choice.
There are a lot of shops for you to try it one day or more near the Kiyomizu-dera area. You may see on the magazine or some presses but the cheaper one is near Kiyomizu-dera area. It is a very special experience but just for one day or one time. If there is no iPhone and smartphones, you have to have friends who are not wearing Yukata. Why? Would you wear Yukata and carry your backpack? Big NO NO for me, and you?
LINK TO Kyoto Travel Guide: http://kyoto.travel/en

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